Refresher Course in July: Speaking Skills.

The refresher course I´ve taken these days has provided me, as an English teacher,  not only the opportunity to up-date my English and improve my communicative skills and methodology bul also the possibility to exchange experiences with other teachers. 

I´ ve been very lucky to meet teachers from other schools who enjoy teaching English as much as I do. "We Can" team, "C" team, it was really nice to meet you.

Thanks, Adam, for your help with English, your sense of humour and your patience. We´ve learnt a lot from you and we´ve had great fun at the same time. We´ll always be your "busy bees" :)

Carmen María

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5 comentarios:

  1. ¿puedes corregir esta traducción, por favor? El texto original se llama 'Si todos los caminos llevan a Roma, como se sale de Roma?' poniendo eso en internet ya te sale. Muchas gracias :)
    If all roads lead to Rome, how do you leave Rome? Sometimes, we think so much and we feel so little.
    My grandpa always told that if someone wants seriously be part of your life, he will do the impossible to be in it, although, we lost between screens the value of the gazes, forgetting that when someone dedicate to us her time, he is giving us the only thing that he can never get back.
    And, the life is moments, do you know? Now I am here and tomorrow I don’t know. And I want to tell you, that if sometime you want something, you really want something, go for it and nothing more, looking the fear’s eyes, giving all and giving your soul, kicking off the child that you have inside, this child who believes in the impossibles and who gives the moon to touch a star.
    I don’t know what will be of me tomorrow, but this sun will be always the same than yours, the friends are the family that we choose and I choose you, I choose you because you are the owner of the wrinkles that I will have in my lips when I were old, I bet for these years by your side, for the nights awake, the parties, the laughs, the secrets and the lovers of the past. Your hugs, without any reason, without celebrations.
    And in all this time I have discovered that the little things are which do big things. And that you have done infinite my limit, and this way I say you thanks for be the only person able to do me cry laughing, for appear in my life with that crazy smile, with that shine in your eyes able to battle against one million tsunamis…
    No, I don’t know where we will be tomorrow, I don’t know where we will be in ten years, not even the way to leave Rome, I can’t claim anything. But I promise you that, whatever happens, wherever you are, I will remember you all my life, for this reason, my moon will be always with you, because you taught me how to live everyday like the first day of my life and I won't forget it never.

  2. Me das un correo al que responderte? Un saludo.

  3. hola!! me encantaria tener ese texto traducido correctamente....podrias publicarlo aqui o enviarmelo a mi email??? gracias de antemano!!!

    1. Te envío la traducción al email en cuanto pueda, David. Un placer :)

  4. muchas gracias....sera genial tenerlo en ingles!!! ;-)
