At last I can say...

It´s been a long year, I mean. Teachers always count the years of our lives in school years, never from January to December. 

Managing stress has been the most difficult challenge for me this year. Too much work, too little free time. However, it´s time to switch off and have a break now, but not from English. There is always a reason and a way to improve your English, even in summer: songs, films, books, magazines or newspapers, reading blogs, chatting in English, using Skype with English speakers, meeting people from foreign countries and talk to them in English...

Read the lyrics of Michael Buble´s song and look up in a dictionary the words you don´t know. This way you ´ll have improved your English a bit more today.

 July 18th, my first day on holiday. It´s a beautiful day, isn´t it?

Carmen María

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