Instagram: a window into the world of art.

What do you like doing in your spare time? Drawing perhaps? 
If so, I´ll take you straight to an amazing Instagram profile:


Click here:

What are the drawings you´ve found like? 
What/who does this person draw? 
How would you define these drawings?
Which one do you like the most?

Try to express yourself:

  • Put your ideas in order and order the words in each sencence   
          (usually subject + verb + objects + adverbs)
  • Use as many different adjectives as possible  to describe the drawing and give your personal opinion (use a dictionary and look up the words you  don´t know)
  • Avoid too complex structures. Use subordinate clauses you know.

Sure you´ll get it!!!!

Although I´m sure those of us who are teachers frequently have some problems when drawing on the blackboard, I´ll post a video by TeachingEnglish which could help us, at least with animals. 

Click here and get some useful tips. 

How to draw cats, dogs and birds (BBC Council)

Remember, we are all teachers and learners at the same time.

Carmen María

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