David Guetta was born and raised in Paris into a Moroccan family. His father was a restaurateur. In the early 1980s, at the age of 13, Guetta began mixing his first vinyls at home and then at 14, he started organising parties in his basement.
David Guetta's career started at the age of 17, when he began playing hip-hop and house music in the nightclubs of Paris. Originally influenced by the hip-hop DJs he heard on France's Radio 7 station, he began DJing at Broad, a club in Paris. From 1988 to 1990, Guetta was a DJ playing house music on Paris's Radio Nova. In 1990, he released "Nation Rap", a hip-hop collaboration with French rapper Sidney Duteil.
Nowadays Guetta is one of the best and most famous DJs in the world and everybody likes and dances his music. Many famous singers collaborate with him and their songs have become popular all around the world.
David Guetta's career started at the age of 17, when he began playing hip-hop and house music in the nightclubs of Paris. Originally influenced by the hip-hop DJs he heard on France's Radio 7 station, he began DJing at Broad, a club in Paris. From 1988 to 1990, Guetta was a DJ playing house music on Paris's Radio Nova. In 1990, he released "Nation Rap", a hip-hop collaboration with French rapper Sidney Duteil.
Nowadays Guetta is one of the best and most famous DJs in the world and everybody likes and dances his music. Many famous singers collaborate with him and their songs have become popular all around the world.
Language is changing everyday. New words appear and technology has a lot to do with it. SMS English is hard to avoid and often hard to understand for older people. Do you think your parents would be able to understand this?
I12CU2N = I want to see you tonight
Let´s help them...
A3 = anytime, anywhere, anyplace
B4 = before
COS = because
DNT = don't
EZ = easy
FYI = for your information
GFI = go for it
HAND = have a nice day
ILBL8 = I'll be late
JK = just kidding
K = ok
LOLO = lots of love
MYOB = mind your own business
N1 = nice one
OMG = oh my god
PLZ = please
QIK = quick
RU = are you
SUL = see you later
TYSO = thank you so much
UW = you're welcome
VM = voice mail
WK = week
XME = excuse me
YGTBKM = you've got to be kidding me
ZUP = what's up
And by the way...HAND!!!!!!
I12CU2N = I want to see you tonight
Let´s help them...
A3 = anytime, anywhere, anyplace
B4 = before
COS = because
DNT = don't
EZ = easy
FYI = for your information
GFI = go for it
HAND = have a nice day
ILBL8 = I'll be late
JK = just kidding
K = ok
LOLO = lots of love
MYOB = mind your own business
N1 = nice one
OMG = oh my god
PLZ = please
QIK = quick
RU = are you
SUL = see you later
TYSO = thank you so much
UW = you're welcome
VM = voice mail
WK = week
XME = excuse me
YGTBKM = you've got to be kidding me
ZUP = what's up
And by the way...HAND!!!!!!
There are some typical errors and mistakes in English made by Spanish speakers. Perhaps you need some help. Read about these differences and don´t forget them!!
We say go shopping to talk about a free time activity.
We say do the shopping to talk about the housework.
Terrible refers to something bad that makes you feel shocked.
Terrific refers to something that is very good.
To rob a place or a person (of things)
To steal objects (from a place or person)
Have been is used to talk about completed visits.
Have gone implies that the person has not yet returned.
Close and shut have the same meaning, but close is more formal than shut.
Lock means to close/shut with a key, padlock or bolt.
Desert refers to a large area where it's always hot and dry.
Dessert refers to the sweet food served after a meal.
Wedding refers just to the marriage ceremony held in church or in a registry office.
Marriage refers to the state of being married or the relationship between two people who are married.
We say go shopping to talk about a free time activity.
We say do the shopping to talk about the housework.
Terrible refers to something bad that makes you feel shocked.
Terrific refers to something that is very good.
To rob a place or a person (of things)
To steal objects (from a place or person)
Have been is used to talk about completed visits.
Have gone implies that the person has not yet returned.
Close and shut have the same meaning, but close is more formal than shut.
Lock means to close/shut with a key, padlock or bolt.
Desert refers to a large area where it's always hot and dry.
Dessert refers to the sweet food served after a meal.
Wedding refers just to the marriage ceremony held in church or in a registry office.
Marriage refers to the state of being married or the relationship between two people who are married.
As CLEAR as a....?
As BLIND as a...?
As HAPPY as a...?
When things being compared have equal characteristics, the comparison of equality is used.
Do you need some practice? There are on line games that can help you.
Try this one and learn similes by a slot machine. Decide which picture finishes the simile and click.
There are three levels in this game but you will need to get all the similes correct in each level before you can move to the next one.
Good Luck!!
This post is especially dedicated to Eduardo. Thanks for the bookmarks you´ve sent me (one of them has inspired me to write about Henry VIII)...and thanks, again, for being my friend.
"Divorced, beheaded, died; Divorced, beheaded, survived."
Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) was king of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. Henry was the second monarch of the House of Tudor, succeeding his father, Henry VII. He married six times and there is a popular rhyme which describes his wives´s fate.
"Divorced, beheaded, died;
Divorced, beheaded ,survived"

Catherine of Aragon, a Spanish princess, was Henry's first wife. They were married for many years. Her determination to stay married to Henry, in the face of his desire for Anne Boleyn, would change the course of history forever.
Anne Boleyn, Henry's second wife, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Henry fell passionately in love with Anne while married to Catherine of Aragon. He waited several years to marry Anne, but he soon lost his desire for her once she became his Queen.
Jane Seymour, Henry's beloved third Queen. Gentle, capable Jane gave Henry his long-awaited male heir after one year of marriage. Sadly, she gave her life to do so.
Anne of Cleves, Henry's fourth wife. This German princess served as Queen for only a few months before she and Henry agreed to divorce by mutual consent.
Katherine Howard, Henry's fifth wife. Henry's marriage to this teenager brought him brief happiness, but ended in tragedy.
Katherine Parr, Henry's sixth Queen. This intelligent, loyal, forward-thinking Renaissance woman outlived three husbands, including Henry, and went on to finally marry the man of her choice.
"Divorced, beheaded, died; Divorced, beheaded, survived."
Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) was king of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. Henry was the second monarch of the House of Tudor, succeeding his father, Henry VII. He married six times and there is a popular rhyme which describes his wives´s fate.
"Divorced, beheaded, died;
Divorced, beheaded ,survived"

Catherine of Aragon, a Spanish princess, was Henry's first wife. They were married for many years. Her determination to stay married to Henry, in the face of his desire for Anne Boleyn, would change the course of history forever.
Anne Boleyn, Henry's second wife, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Henry fell passionately in love with Anne while married to Catherine of Aragon. He waited several years to marry Anne, but he soon lost his desire for her once she became his Queen.
Jane Seymour, Henry's beloved third Queen. Gentle, capable Jane gave Henry his long-awaited male heir after one year of marriage. Sadly, she gave her life to do so.
Anne of Cleves, Henry's fourth wife. This German princess served as Queen for only a few months before she and Henry agreed to divorce by mutual consent.
Katherine Howard, Henry's fifth wife. Henry's marriage to this teenager brought him brief happiness, but ended in tragedy.
Katherine Parr, Henry's sixth Queen. This intelligent, loyal, forward-thinking Renaissance woman outlived three husbands, including Henry, and went on to finally marry the man of her choice.
Today is intended to be a special day for the appreciation of teachers. One must not forget and should always appreciate the efforts which a teacher puts in giving a direction to his/her students´ lives.
How To Appreciate Your Teachers...
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward
"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand." - Chinese Proverb
"The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves." - Joseph Campbell
How To Appreciate Your Teachers...
- Write a poem, letter, or note of appreciation and leave it on his/her desk.
- Write him/her an e-mail and thank him/her
- Print your teacher's name a on coffee mug as a present to commemorate his/her effort.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward
"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand." - Chinese Proverb
"The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves." - Joseph Campbell
We all feel bad sometimes. If so, here you have part of a beautiful prayer by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We should always look back before complaining.
When I am sad, send me someone to cheer;
When I need understanding, send me someone who needs mine;
When I need to be looked after, send me someone to care for;
When I think only of myself, draw my thoughts to another.
So let us pray as though everything depends on God,
and work as though God depends on us for everything.
Cuando tenga hambre, envíame alguien a quien alimentar.
Cuando tenga sed, envíame a alguien que necesite beber.
Cuando tenga frío, envíame a alguien para que lo abrigue.
Cuando me sienta triste, envíame a alguien a quien consolar.
Cuando me sienta incomprendido, envíame a quien necesita de mi comprensión.
Cuando necesite que se ocupen de mí, envíame a alguien de quien cuidar.
Cuando piense sólo en mí mismo, dirige mi atención hacia otra persona.
Así, recemos como si todo dependiera de Dios
y trabajemos como si Dios dependiera totalmente de nosotros.
When I am hungry, send me someone to feed;
When I am thirsty, send me someone who needs a drink;
When I am cold, send me someone to warm;When I am sad, send me someone to cheer;
When I need understanding, send me someone who needs mine;
When I need to be looked after, send me someone to care for;
When I think only of myself, draw my thoughts to another.
So let us pray as though everything depends on God,
and work as though God depends on us for everything.
Cuando tenga hambre, envíame alguien a quien alimentar.
Cuando tenga sed, envíame a alguien que necesite beber.
Cuando tenga frío, envíame a alguien para que lo abrigue.
Cuando me sienta triste, envíame a alguien a quien consolar.
Cuando me sienta incomprendido, envíame a quien necesita de mi comprensión.
Cuando necesite que se ocupen de mí, envíame a alguien de quien cuidar.
Cuando piense sólo en mí mismo, dirige mi atención hacia otra persona.
Así, recemos como si todo dependiera de Dios
y trabajemos como si Dios dependiera totalmente de nosotros.
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I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, requests or just want to leave a message, please send me an email (cmsanchezh@gmail.com) or fill in this contact form.
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