Back home!
These days in Italy with the Comenius European Project have been really great. From my blog I want to thank my Italian friends for their kindness and friendliness, always making us feel like home. From my hotel room I could see on the BBC World News the Opening Ceremony of the World Cup 2010 in South Africa.
For those who like football, here you have some useful words and expressions that you should know and will help you understand football better.
These days in Italy with the Comenius European Project have been really great. From my blog I want to thank my Italian friends for their kindness and friendliness, always making us feel like home. From my hotel room I could see on the BBC World News the Opening Ceremony of the World Cup 2010 in South Africa.
For those who like football, here you have some useful words and expressions that you should know and will help you understand football better.
Football Vocabulary: English / Spanish
away game partido que se juega fuera de casa
away team equipo visitante
beat derrotar / vencer
bench banquillo
centre circle círculo central
championship campeonato
changing rooms vestuarios
corner kick saque de esquina. corner
cross pase cruzado
crossbar travesaño
defender defensa
draw un empate
equaliser la igualada
extra time tiempo suplementario
extra-time prórroga
field markings marcación del terreno
field of play terreno de juego
first half primer tiempo
fixture encuentro
fixture list programa de encuentros
flagposts banderines
forward delantero
foul falta
free kick (direct/indirect) tiro libre (directo/indirecto)
friendly game partido amistoso
goal / penalty area /the box área de meta
goal average promedio de goles
goal kick saque de puerta / portería /meta
goal line línea de meta.
goal scorer goleador
goalkeeper portero / guardameta / golero
goalpost poste, palo de la portería
half time interval intervalo del medio tiempo / descanso
halfway line. línea media
handball! ¡mano!
header cabezazo
heads or tails cara o cruz
home en casa
hooligan gamberro
injured player un jugador lesionado
injury time descuento
kick patada
kick dar una patada
kick-off saque de salida
laws of the game reglas de juego
league liga
linesman juez de línea
local derby enfrentamiento de dos equipos vecinos
manager entrenador
match partido
midfield player centrocampista
move jugada
national team (la) selección
opposing team equipo adversario
own goal propia meta
pass pasar
penalty kick tiro penal / penalti
penalty spot punto penal
player jugador
cup-winners cup recopa
red card tarjeta roja
referee árbitro
replay repetición
restart of play reanudación del juego
score draw un empate a cero
scoreboard marcador
season temporada
second half segundo tiempo
send a player off expulsar un jugador
shinguard canillera/espinillera
shorts pantalones cortos
side equipo
spectator espectador
stadium / ground estadio
strip los colores del equipo
studs tacos
substitute sustituto.
supporter hincha / seguidor
sweeper líbero
tackle internada
And for those who prefer music...
WAKA WAKA (Official FIFA 2010World Cup Song)
by Shakira
You're a good soldier,
Choosing your battles.
Pick yourself up,
And dust yourself off,
And back in the saddle.
You're on the frontline.
Everyone's watching.
You know it's serious.
We're getting closer.
This isn't over.
The pressure is on.
You feel it.
But you've got it all.
Believe it.
When you fall, get up, oh, oh.
And if you fall, get up, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
'Cause this is Africa.
Tsamina mina, eh, eh.
Waka Waka, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
This time for Africa.
Listen to your God.
This is our motto.
Your time to shine.
Don't wait in line.
Y vamos por todo.
People are raising
Their expectations.
Go on and feed them.
This is your moment.
No hesitations.
Today's your day.
I feel it.
You paved the way.
Believe it.
If you get down, get up, oh, oh.
When you get down, get up, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
This time for Africa.
Tsamina mina, eh, eh.
Waka Waka, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
Anawa aa.
Tsamina mina, eh, eh.
Waka Waka, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
This time for Africa.
Tsamina mina, eh, eh.
Waka Waka, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
Anawa aa.
Tsamina mina, eh, eh.
Waka Waka, eh, eh.
Tsamina mina zangalewa.
This time for Africa.
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