Every year, in late May or early June, Catholic brotherhoods and many people from all over Andalucia, Spain and beyond, travel to Huelva in their "carriolas" (covered wagons), on their horses or on foot and arrive in Almonte to pay tribute to the Virgin del Rocío, housed in her own church. The pilgrimage takes place over the weekend before Pentecost Monday, the seventh weekend after Easter.
Nowadays, each of the brotherhoods has its own house in El Rocío, with stables, as well as its own chapel, with its name displayed at the front. Its members and their friends and families eat and sleep here during the pilgrimage weekend, singing, dancing and praying together.

In the early hours of Pentecost Monday, the Virgin is brough out of her chapel journeys around the town, visiting all the hermandades' chapels, for the rest of the day. Popularly known as La Blanca Paloma (the White Dove), she is an object of massive veneration in Andalucia.

Here you have a video about the procession. For those from abroad, I know it could be difficult to understand, like faith itself. Anyway, not everything can be explained in this life.

Carmen María

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