Christmas is a time for us to come together and enjoy our friends´company. We celebrate the season with gifts, food, lights and beautiful decorations and carols. The main difference between a Spanish Christmas ans...
When is it? Boxing Day is always the day after Christmas. It traditionally occurs on December 26 but is not a fixed-date public holiday, meaning the holiday can be moved to the next...
Aprender vocabulario en cualquier idioma, sin un contexto, es casi imposible. Todos hemos intentado memorizar alguna vez largos listados de palabras...
Some help with your vocabulary about The Family? Do you need some more practise? Here you have two links that may help you! Click on them. Hope you find them useful. Vocabulary: The...
Hola, chic@s!!!! En breve vamos a reorganizar el blog. Vamos a convertirlo en un espacio más operativo acadėmicamente hablando, más fácil de manejar para vosotros. Poco a poco iré renovando entradas, eliminando otras...
Adjectives are essential when describing nouns. When two or more adjectives come before a noun, their relative order is fixed in English. Pay attention. The order of adjectives before a noun follows the...
When is Halloween? Where did it originate? What kind of costumes do people wear? Why are pumpkins important at Halloween? What sort of things do people do on Halloween? HALLOWEEN Halloween...
Is your personality really like your star sign says? Astrology has always been trying to tell us who we are according to our birthday. Find out what your star sign says about you....
How good are you at clothing vocabulary? How many gaps can you fill in? "Dress up a monkey as you will, it remains a monkey still" (Proverb) These sites can help you:
Nowadays, we don´t have time for ourselves. Personal shopping is an occupation where people help others shop by giving advice and making suggestions to customers. They are often employed by department stores and...
En inglés hay una serie de verbos que NO se usan en tiempos continuos, son verbos que describen estados, situaciones y condiciones y se llaman STATIVE VERBS. ...
What is the weather like in the UK? Well, it seems to change from one day to the next! Test your knowledge of weather vocabulary here. Click here in case you need more...
I have recently signed up for Busuu, a social network for learning languages where I can refresh my German and have on-line conversations with native speakers and help other people with their Spanish correcting...
Symmetrical words are words that have an axis of symmetry and can be read the same in both directions. EYE, MUM... How many symmetrical words can you name in English? What about palindromes? RADAR,...
Ahora que el nuevo curso está a punto de empezar, es hora de revisar/elaborar nuestras normas de aula y en concreto aquellas directamente relacionadas con la asignaturas que impartimos cada uno de nosotros....
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