Body language is a form of communication that consists of postures, gestures and facial expressions which tells us about the attitude or state of mind of a person. Understanding body language is helpful...
As you can see, I didn´t use to like photographs or doves. However... I used to enjoy going to the country with my cousins every Sunday. I used to play with my Nancy...
El próximo 9 de mayo celebraremos en el colegio, como cada año, el Día de Europa. Como sabéis, tras la segunda guerra mundial, el 9 de mayo de 1950, Robert Schuman, político francés...
Do you know that... Your sense of smell CAN take you back in time? Your joints CAN predict the weather? Your pupils CAN reveal when you are in love? CAN It is used to talk...
Abril es el mes del libro y, aprovechando este año el cuarto centenario de la muerte de Shakespeare, nuestra English Corner se volverá Shaskesperiana, cómo no. Sugerencias que os pueden resultar útiles: Frases...
This year´s four hundredth anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) is an opportunity to commemorate one of the greatest playwrights of all time, whose works have been translated into over 100 languages...
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