Es muy frecuente que haya acciones, como pueden ser reparar un ordenador, arreglar un coche, cortarnos el pelo o pintar nuestra casa, que normalmente no hacemos por nosotros mismos. Lo que hacemos es pedir que alguien lo haga o pagar por ello. Para esas acciones precisamente utilizaremos en inglés el causativo.
La estructura es la siguiente:
*También podemos usa GET en vez de HAVE, en tono más informal.
Así podemos decir:
I cut my hair every month (lo he hecho yo mismo)
I have/get my hair cut (otra persona, probablemente un profesional, me ha cortado el pelo)
¿En qué se diferencia de la voz pasiva?
My car was serviced yesterday. (voz pasiva – nos interesa simplemente el hecho de que el coche ha sido reparado)
I had my car serviced yesterday. (estructura causativa – el locutor ha encargado a alguien la reparación de su coche)
Una vez están las ideas claras, resumamos en inglés las ideas fundamentales.
- Rewrite these sentences using have or get.
1. The mechanic changed the oil in my car.
2. The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style.
3. A decorator has repainted our house.
4. A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week.
5. My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s.
6. The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council.
- Match a word from 1-8 with something that is done by that person or in that place. Then make sentences using all the information and the verb in brackets. You may have to change the words or add new ones.
1. hairdresser´s a vaccinate dogs
2. optician´s b. service cars
3. dentist´s c. design new houses
4. doctor´s d. cut hair
5. vet´s e. take blood pressure
6. garage f. take out teeth
7. architect g. do annual accounts
8. accountant h. test eyes
- Choose the correct option to fill in the gaps.
Q1 - I'm going ............ at the new hairdresser's
Q2 - She needs to ........
Q3 - I really must get ....... the central heating
Q4 - They ought to have ........ replace the broken windows
Q5 - He ......... while he was away on holiday
Q6 - I .......... my phone repaired after I dropped it
Q7 - She didn't have time to get to the shops and .......
Q8 - It took ages to get ...........
Q9 - I'll ....... John to do it when he arrives
Q10 - She ......... on the underground last week
Q11 - He .......... tickets sent to his home address yesterday
Q12 - You should .......... a long time ago
Q13 - They couldn't .......... anyone to fix their burst pipes
Q14 - They had it ....... by the same person who decorated their old house
Q15 - After winning a fortune, she ....... her family to do everything for her
Q16 - I ......... the house redecorated if I could afford it
Q17 - He got a friend ........ him at the airport
Q18 - The teacher ...... him do all the work again
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