Comparative and Superlative - Exercises (3rd Secondary)

To make the comparative and the superlative form of adjectives, first we need to know how many syllables are in the adjective.

There are some spelling changes:

- If there is one vowel followed by one consonant at the end of the adjective, we often double the consonant.
  • wet → wetter / wettest
- If the adjective ends in 'y', this often changes to 'i'.
  • dry → drier / driest
 - If the adjective ends in 'e', we don't add another 'e', just 'r'.
  • nice → nicer / nicest


a) Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1.My house is (big)______than yours.

2.This flower is (beautiful)_________than that one.

3.This is the (interesting)__________book I have ever read.

4.Non-smokers usually live (long)_______than smokers.

5.Which is the (dangerous)_________animal in the world?

6.A holiday by the sea is (good)___________than a holiday in the mountains.

7.It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)___________than a beer.

8.Who is the (rich)________woman on earth?

9.The weather this summer is even (bad)_________than last summer.

10.He was the (clever)___________thief of all.

b) Complete the sentences with a superlative:

a. This building is very old. It’s ______________ in the town.

b. It was a very happy day. It was ______________ of my life.

c. It’s a very good film. It’s________________ I’ve seen.

d. It was a very bad mistake. It was_____________ in my life.

e. It was a very cold day. It was_______________ of the year.

f. She’s a popular singer. She’s ______________ in the country.

g. He’s a very boring person. He’s______________ I know.

h. This house is very big. It is ______________ I’ve lived in.

i. My cousin is very tall. He is ______________ I have.

j. Laura is a very pretty girl. She is____________ I know.

Carmen María

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