Agosto. Toca escapar. Recuperarse del cansancio, de tensiones y problemas. Ha sido un año muy difícil, sobre todo dentro del ámbito familiar. Es el momento, por fin, para cargar las retinas de nuevas imágenes y...
Gracias... Open them, open them, slowly Say what you see, tell me what you see, if there´s something, a spring, brief and fleeting in your hands. Time for the end, define the trace...
Every life has a soundtrack, every moment has a song. This song has been with me in my best moments and it´s part of my life. It´s my way to say goodnight tonight....
The amazing world of our dreams is hidden to everybody, our own private virtual world, where anything can happen. You forget half your dream within 5 minutes, 5 minutes more and 90% of...
Resit exams are sometimes necessary. Don´t you think so? Can you correct the mistakes and write the conversation again? What´s the meaning of "to pass away" and "to blast"? Every second is an... is a useful tool for language students. It consists of an online visual semantic web of related words with dictionary and thesaurus reference, where each colour represents a different part of speech (nouns, verbs, synonyms, antonyms and even fuzzynyms). When...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
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