The Girl on the Train

It´s not a suggestion. In fact,  I´m going to read the first chapter in my bed in five minutes. I have no idea whether I´ll like it or not. I´ll tell you in a couple of weeks.

By the way...have you got your own summer reading list? Do you want to share it with me?
Send me your titles!

Sweet dreams...

Carmen María

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4 comentarios:

  1. I´ve always got one book of Murakami on my headboard. Re-reading 1Q84 now, one of my favs.

  2. Thanks a lot for your suggestion :) I know about this trilogy, but I haven´t read it yet.
    Noted on my list!!

  3. Estoy leyendo "El Domador de Leones". Está bastante bien de momento. Soy Ángel, Carmen. Buen verano...y tráeme algo de Londres!!!.

    1. Gracias, Ángel!! Pensaré algo para traerte, jajaja. Un abrazo!!
