"That´s life" is a sitcom for English learners. This story is about five young people from different countries who meet to become flatmates and friends, and about all sorts of different situations that...
As we´re going to talk about food and diet next week, read this post about the Mediterranean Diet. You´ll find some tips to have a good and healthy life. The Mediterranean Diet is...
Learning languages using lyryc videos is great fun. There are excellent sites you can visit to improve your English through songs. Let me recommend you one...click here: lyricstraining And now try this original...
I know that Present Perfect is not an easy verb tense to learn. Here you have a short summary in Spanish about its use. En inglés utilizamos el tiempo presente perfecto cuando existe una conexión...
LEVEL 1. Write sentences in present perfect simple. Then change into the negative form. 1. we / reach / our goal - ______________________________________ 2. our team / lose / the match - ________________________________ 3....
Sincerity never hurts, reality does. True words only hurt those who live in a world made of fantasy. So, never make a promise you cant´t keep and don´t say something unless you mean...
Gary Lightbody, frontman of Snow Patrol, explains that he was once in love with a girl. His father thought it was only a whim and told him he was like a dog chasing...
A good question... "What would you do if today was your last day?" I have no doubts. Thanks, Auxi S. (4th B Secondary), for your contribution. A perfect song to review Second Conditional....
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, 1918, marks the signing of the Armistice and the of World War One after more than four years. Remembrance Day, also known as Poppy Day, on the...
Os dejo aquí varios links a la página Englishpage.com, para que podáis realizar ejercicios de autocorrección y repasar los tiempos verbales trabajados en las unidades 1 y 2. Ánimo y a esforzarse si...
November 5th marks the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament and King James I in 1605. In England. on the night of November 5th, people commemorate the capture...
Lo adivinas? (Qué bueno verte aquí, José Carlos, mi compi, mi amigo, mi compañero de viajes en Proyecto Comenius y también, todo sea dicho, de mil sofocones para que todo saliera bien en...
Here you have a nice lyric video which will help you with English. A good way to say goodbye to a looooooooooooooong Tuesday. Here you have a nice lyric video which will help...
I couldn´t help posting this picture especially for you, R. After "talking" with you about dogs, and after ten years since we first "met", I must say you are.... ...
You were right. This song hadn´t been published on my blog yet. Thanks for your contribution and your visits, Juan C. (3rd A Secondary). True love is always generous. ...
Aquí os dejo un enlace a una lista con los mejores recursos de Internet para aprender inglés de manera entretenida y variada. 50 mejores sitios para aprender inglés Sweet dreams... ...
Phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult aspects for learners of the English language. The phrasal verbs listed here are among the most useful for English learners to learn first (pre-íntermediate to intermediate...
Here you have an excellent link to review the parts of the body with different games and original exercises. Choose the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL!. Parts of the body - Exercises ...
I absolutely love my job. Teaching encourages my own growth, because to do it well requires my own continuous education. We, teachers, are psychologists, doctors, negociators, artisans, counselors, therapists, actors, friends, parents and some...
"Mirror, mirror on the wall...who´s the fairest of them all?" Snow White´s stepmother said. Here you have some good sites to review your vocabulary related to physical appearence Sure you know most of...
To make the comparative and the superlative form of adjectives, first we need to know how many syllables are in the adjective. There are some spelling changes: - If there is one vowel followed...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, requests or just want to leave a message, please send me an email (cmsanchezh@gmail.com) or fill in this contact form.