
Because we all need our personal "wonderwall", something or somebody that gives us strength and makes us feel better. A great song... George Harrison composed the soundtrack of a film called "Wonderwall", where...

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Cómo sacar un diez en un examen sin entender absolutamente nada :)

Ahora que el curso va a empezar, ahora que los profes andamos preparando los primeros días de clase, permitidme una muy breve reflexión entre docentes. Hace unos meses, en un curso de la...

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Educational Information

British History #4: Medieval England (1066-1485)

A new era began with the Norman Conquest. William and his descendants introduced the feudal system and strengthened the rule of the King and the Church. During this period England conquered Ireland, Scotland...

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British History

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (dumping a bucket of ice water on your head or donating some money to the ALS Association) has recently gone viral through social media. Celebrities do it and nominate other famous people who must do the...

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Current affairs

British History #3: The Anglo-Saxon, Danish, and Norman Invasions (400-1066)

Soon after the Romans left, Britain was also attacked by Germanic tribes, mainly Angles and Saxons. At first they only raided but eventually they settled and colonised much of Britain. But the peace...

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British History

British History #2: Roman Britain (55 BC - 400 AD)

The recorder history of Britain began in 55 B.C, when the first Romans arrived under Julius Caesar. They made a full invasion about 100 years later and they stayed in Britain for over...

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British History

British History #1: Prehistoric Britain

Prehistory is the story of man before written records began. The most impressive prehistoric remains are hill figures, hill forts, and stone circles. Hill figures: gigantic pictures of people and animals cut into...

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British History

Days in London and Cardiff

Back home after some great days in London and  a short runaway to Cardiff to see the UEFA Super Cup Final (Real Madrid vs. Sevilla FC).  Unfortunately we didn´t bring the Cup :(...

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Interesting Places

Saxon Genitive

According to the Simpsons family tree, who´s Mona?  Can you answer this question?  Sure you can! Mona is Homer´s mother, Marge´s mother-in-law and Bart, Lisa and Maggie' s grandmother, among other things.  In...

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