Tips on how to write a good composition

Do you find writing compositions difficult? If you follow a few steps you´ll find that it almost writes itself. You only need a clear idea of what you want to say. 
Remember that our compositions will have about 150-200 words, that´s 15-20 lines.


1) Do not write straight away. Plan before you begin. 

2) Write down briefly the main ideas (brainstorming) 

3) Your composition should have 3-4 paragraphs: introduction/development/conclusion.

4) Write clear sentences with simple words. Link them with connectors. 

5) Stay focused on the main idea of your composition. 

6) While writing your essay, it is probable that you will make a few spelling or grammar mistakes. It is a good idea to try to read through your composition once more and correct them.



I´m going to talk about… (voy a hablar de..)

This topic is very interesting because… (este tema es muy interesante porque…)
I have chosen these theme because… (he elegido este tema porque…)
Nowadays (hoy en día)

...for several reasons (por varias razones)
To begin with...(para empezar)

Expressing sequence: 

To begin with (para empezar) 

First/Firstly  (Primero/en primer lugar
Second/Secondly (Segundo/en segundo lugar
Third/Thirdly (Tercero/en tercer lugar
Next/then  (Seguidamente/luego (además)
After/afterwards (Después de/más tarde
Finally/Eventually (Finalmente/al final
Last but not least (Por último, si bien no menos importante.
On the one hand…on the other hand (por una parte…por otra parte) 

Giving details:

According to (según…)
For example, for instance (por ejemplo)
In addition, furthermore, besides, too, as well as, also (además/también)

Not only….but also…(No solo….sino que también)

Giving examples:

For example  (Por ejemplo)  
For instance  ( Por ejemplo)

Such as  (Tal como )
Like  (Como)
Apart from (Aparte de)

Giving opinions: 

Personally I think that… (personalmente pienso que)
I´m not sure if.. (no estoy seguro si…)
For me (para mi)
In my opinion, from my point of view (en mi opinion)
It seems clear to me that… (Veo claro que…)

Because/because of  (Porque)
Therefore   (Por lo tanto, entonces)
Since   (puesto/ya que)
As a result/ as a consequence  (Por eso, como resultado/como consecuencia).
In order to   (Para/ con tal de).


Although/though (aunque)
However (sin embargo)
But (pero)
Despite the fact that (a pesar del hecho de que)
In spite of (a pesar de) 

Whereas/while  (Mientras que)
Nevertheless  (Sin embargo)
On the other hand (Por otro lado)

As a result  (Como resultado)
Since  (Ya que) 
This is why   (Esta es la razón)…

As  (Como)
Than  (Que) 
Similarly  (De manera similar)


Mostly  (Prácticamente/normalmente/mayoritariamente)
In general   (En general)

That is to say  (Es decir)
In other words   (En otras palabras)


As a matter of fact   (Por cierto, de hecho)
Definitely    (En efecto, definitivamente) 
Obviously   (Obviamente)
Above all   (Sobre todo)
Actually    (De hecho ) 


Finally, eventually, all in all    (finalmente)
To sum up    (para resumir)
To conclude    (para concluir)

In conclusion   (Concluyendo)
In short    (En resumen)

Carmen María

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