El inglés está a nuestro alrededor, nos envuelve. Canciones, carteles, películas, publicidad, mensajes en nuestras camisetas. No hay excusa para no aprender algo nuevo cada día en esta lengua. Este otoño, un anuncio de...
La obtención del certificado del nivel B1 del MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia), conocido por PET o Preliminary English Test, acredita la competencia en inglés de un estudiante en el nivel Intermedio....
Describing a picture is part of your Cambridge English Preliminary. Don´t panic, take your time and organise your ideas. Here you have some tips to help you. a) Introduction The photo/picture shows ... ...
May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face. The rains fall soft upon you fields and until...
Vocabulary.com is a game and a smart dictionary at the same time, an exellent tool to improve your English Vocabulary (intermediate and upper-intermediate level). It´s fast, entertaining and even addictive!! Click on the link...
Helicopter parents are those who take too much responsibility for their children's experiences and problems, their success or failure. This terms was first used by teens who said their parents would hover over them like...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
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