It´s really important to spend our time on useful things. Josh Coombes is a 29-year-old hairdresser who works in the streets of London, giving free haircuts to homeless people and encouraging people to help others,...
El verano y las vacaciones son momentos de descanso y esparcimiento, sin duda, pero no es razón para dejar de aprender cosas nuevas. Siempre hay espacio en la maleta para el conocimiento, por...
ON THE FENCE : unsure about the decision at hand. Undecided about something. "Mary is on the fence about going to London" "John is on the fence about dating Sarah or Kate" ...
Meaning: Stop talking or making noise. Be quiet. "if you don't pipe down, we're turning this car around and going straight home!" Origin: On sailing ships signals were given to the crew by sounding...
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