22 years waiting and it has finally happened. The Oscar went to...Leonardo Di Caprio, who took a moment to speak about a cause that is very close to his heart: environmentalism and climate change. ...
esltower.com es una página gratuita interactiva con material imprimible y de gran utilidad para profesores y estudiantes de inglés. Gramática, vocabulario, pronunciación y juegos que harán más fácil el aprendizaje. Digna de tener en...
As I told you last Thursday, there are many sites you can visit to help you revise verbal tenses, in case you need it. Here you have some of them, they are all...
Thanks, Juanma B. (4th Secondary A), for your musical contribution to my blog. I also take the opportunity to show you my gratitude for your help at school every day, for being so...
Remember... Look at the picture and then, click on the following links to practise. https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-2 http://www.english-area.com/paginas/Firstandsecondconditional.htm ...
You are probably familiar with her because of her song "The Mystic Dreams", used for the trailers of the TV series "El Principe". Loreena McKennitt (Manitoba 1957) is a Canadian composer and a...
· We didn't see The Martian because the cinema was closed. If the cinema hadn´t been closed, we would have seen The Martian · She doesn't understand because you haven't...
Para aquellos de vosotros que tenéis dificultad aún en distinguir y usar correctamente los tiempos verbales en inglés, os paso un enlace que os puede resultar de utilidad. Dominar bien la activa es...
"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling four balls in the air...work, family, health and friends. You will soon understand work is a rubber ball, but the other four balls...
Do you know how old Coca Cola is? More than a hundred years! It was invented in 1886 by a chemist called John Perberton, who lived in Atlanta, in the South of the...
Do you need to improve your listening skills? learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/ is an excellent web, with activities and videos for all levels, including listening practice. Click here and find out! Listening Skills (Practice) ...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, requests or just want to leave a message, please send me an email (cmsanchezh@gmail.com) or fill in this contact form.