Some important words you should know... Discapacitado- person with a disability/ disabled Discapacidad- Disability Ciego- blind Ceguera- Blindness Sordo- deaf Sordera- Deafness Audífono-hearing aid Dumb- Mudo Lenguaje de Signos- Sign Language Leer los...
Set, ready....GO!!!! Two friends go to a cinema. They walk to the booth and order a ticket each. The ticket prices are $8 (admission with popcorn), and $5 (admission only). The first friend gives...
This video is dedicated to Marta, one of my two "Favorite Girls", who is going to meet Justin Bieber in Madrid on April 5th. ☺ I love youuuuu!!!! ♥ NATURAL DISASTER IN JAPAN A 8.9-magnitude...
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