These two pictures are similar but...can you find the differences between them? Find them out. You can explain the differences easily by using simple structures: there is/are, have got, adjectives (comparative structures included)...
Learning languages in and out of school is a tool for intercultural understanding. 26th of September is the European Day of Languages. On this day, a lot of activities are organised across Europe...
Have you visited Google today? Beautiful, isn´t it? It is 120 years since Agatha Christie was born and search engine Google is celebrating with a doodle on its home page. Do you want...
KARAOKE!! I know you can't sing like pop stars, but Karaoke is excellent for you to improve your English vocabulary and pronunciation. Come on, try now and enjoy the music!! ...
Hello, guys!!! The new academic year is already here and there is one more quiz for you. Let´s see how your brain works after the summer holidays... Many Scottish surnames contain the prefix...
I want to write some words here and thank Pablo Travasos for drawing the head of my blog. It looks great now!!!!Thanks a lot for your help!!!and never stop drawing ...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
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