I know that many of you are going abroad for your holidays next summer. Remember that English is absolutely necessary and will take you everywhere in the world. So, don´t be shy, speak...
My Students Final Project The school year is almost over. This time the Final Project consists of board games. Creating their own board games, my students have learnt vocabulary, grammar and British/American culture....
Back home! These days in Italy with the Comenius European Project have been really great. From my blog I want to thank my Italian friends for their kindness and friendliness, always making us...
For those teachers who love their job...Educar es lo mismoque poner un motor a una barca...hay que medir, pesar, equilibrar...y poner todo en marcha.Pero para esouno tiene que llevar en el alma,un poco...
This mascot has been created for my blog by one of my students, María del Monte D.M. Thank you very much for your drawing. You´re really an artist. Never stop drawing!! ...
I have created this blog especially for those who need English and also for those who love it. I hope you find this site useful.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, requests or just want to leave a message, please send me an email (cmsanchezh@gmail.com) or fill in this contact form.