Instead of throwing out the old crayons you have at home, you can REUSE them and create shaped new ones easily. Find broken forgotten crayons, peel the paper off and break them into little pieces. Put them in a silicon ice cube tray with shaped pockets. You can combine the colours, group similar colours together or even add metallic powder).
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and bake for about 15-20 minutes until the waxes have melted.Remove the shapes after they have cooled. If they stick, place the tray in the freezer for an hour, and the crayons will pop out.
How about heart-shaped crayons as a gift for St Valentine´s day?
La escuela es como esta escalera, el vehículo hacia el objetivo...y si uno se divierte y divierte, y a la vez se aminora la sensación de esfuerzo para llegar a las metas previstas, mejor aún.
Está claro que los buenos profesores son ingenieros de la educación. Nada de lo que hacemos vale para siempre, todo cambia, porque la realidad con la que trabajamos es distinta día a día. Cada alumno es un mundo y ni siquiera un alumno concreto tiene el mismo estado de ánimo un día que otro, y tú, profesor, tampoco.
Inventar cada día, reinventarse cada día. Eso es lo más agotador y apasionante de todo.
The Portuguese Vihls is an impressive artist whose technique is really unique. He carves the walls with hammers, drilling or even with dynamite.
The Belgian Roa paints giant animals like hedgehogs, rabbits, in basic colours like black and white, as a way to take native species to the cities, including nature in urban environment. Invader
Colorful tiles, copying video games with space invader, pac mans or Star Wars characters. This is how the French artist creates each of his works . Clet Abraham
Clet Abraham is dedicated to placing stickers on road signs to make driving fun.
The Spanish Borondo changes windows into art scratching the paint layers . He also creates giant murals.
Street art is not only murals or stencils but also sculptures. CitizenKane fills boring walls with colours with Asian influence.
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