Earth Day

 We may think that the actions of one person won't make a difference, but there are actually many ways you can help our planet and make a less harmful impact on the environment.
 Make your routine more eco-friendly changing your daily habits.

  • Brush without running
  • Take shorter showers
  • Wash in cold water
  • Turn off computers at night
  • Turn off lights
  • Adjust thermostats
  • Reuse plastic bags
  • Recycle glass, paper and plastic.
  • Use boths sides of paper
  • Use rechargable batteries
  • Use public transport or cycle to school

The way you treat other people reflects your personality, the way you treat the environment reflects who you actually are. So, be generous and give the best legacy to the future generations.

By the way, there are some idioms you can learn today, related to the word Earth...

Happy Earth Day!!!

Carmen María

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