Felix Baumgartner: Red Bull Stratos

Felix Baumgartner, 43, set the new record for the world's highest skydive when he jumped from an altitude of 128,097 feet (39,044 meters) and broke the sound barrier during his long descent back to Earth. 
He stood alone at the edge of space, poised in the open doorway of a capsule suspended above Earth.Twenty four miles below him, millions of people were right there with him, watching on the Internet.
A second later, he stepped off the capsule and barreled toward the New Mexico desert. Millions watched him breathlessly as he shattered the sound barrier and then landed safely about nine minutes later, becoming the world's first supersonic skydiver.



Solar System - Sistema Solar
planet - planeta
orbit - órbita
asteroid - asteroide
asteroid belt - cinturón de asteroides
star - estrella
galaxy - galaxia
comet - cometa
rocket - cohete
astronaut - astronauta
alien - alienígena
satellite - satélite
space ship - nave espacial
meteor - meteorito
space station - estación espacial
ozone layer - capa de ozono
black hole - agujero negro
space junk - basura espacial
space suit - traje espacial

Sun - Sol
Mercury - Mercurio
Venus - Venus
Earth - La Tierra
Moon - La Luna
Mars - Marte
Jupiter - Júpiter
Saturn - Saturno
Uranus - Urano
Neptune - Neptuno
Pluto - Plutón 

Carmen María

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